The Mediterranean Diet and its health benefits for respiratory diseases
for treating colds
Mediterranean Diet is highly effective in the prevention and treatment of patients suffering recurring colds and frequent inflammatory complications. Read more
for asthma symptoms
Adherence to MedDiet by children seems to have a protective effect on asthma/wheezing symptoms, but not on allergic rhinitis, eczema, or atopy. Adherence to MedDiet by the mother during pregnancy might have some protective effect on asthma/wheeze symptoms in the offspring only during their first year of life, and few studies have shown some protective effect on current sneeze and atopy, but none on eczema. Read more
A high level of adherence to the Mediterranean diet has a beneficial effect on allergic rhinitis, asthma-like symptoms, and atopy. A diet high in antioxidants may prevent the expression of allergic disease. Read more
to lower COVID-19 risk
the Mediterranean diet may represent a potential strategic therapeutic approach to address both short- and long-term conditions associated with COVID-19 infection and severity and improve mortality and the overall well-being of affected populations. Read more
better adherence to the Mediterranean diet may be associated with a lower risk of COVID-19 of more than 60%. Read more
WJZ Nov 5, 2018 Healthwatch: Mediterranean diet can reduce asthma in children